Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Monday, 9 August 2010

Had a day off work today so I went to the Sandringham Flower show with my mum and sister (well she went off with her friends for a bit).

Everyone waiting to see Camilla and Prince Charles, we never got to see them cause being short meant I couldn't see so we gave up in the end.

But it was a very nice day out, apart from the weather that everyone thought would be hot, was actually dark and kinda nippy! But we were English and ignored it, probably cause we're used to it. There were lots of things there, like a fudge stool :D and a frozen yoghurt stool (: and clothing ones with hats, and scarves and things like that, and far too many plant ones, and bags, like rafata ones, i brought one last year, it's hot pink with a black sort of fringing around the top and the handles are black and hot pink. Not that i'm ever going to take it anywhere but it just looks kinda pretty!

This was a stall with lots of really good smelling handmade soap! I was gonna get some cause they all looked so pretty. There's lots of hair things and stuff like that, all arts and crafts.
They also had this stall! which was so cool! I'm not sure how they did it but they had lots of other animals and they were all made out of moss and things like that, I imagine they just had a wired frame and sort of weaved it in and out but either way it was nice to see and a bit different.
They also had displays too! such as aeroplanes and horses, and show dogs and such things, oh and motorcross? not sure how that worked it's way into the whole country flowery scene, but I wasn't complaining. And they had a garden award, where you get a little sort of plot, and you make a garden in it and they judge it and then you get awards etc. the one below was a picture of a garden that was themed on the beach and was done really well! made me want to go to the beach. (:

This one was inspired by colors etc, and I just thought it was really cool and interesting, and was a bit different than the normal gardens do. A very fun twist!

The 2 photo's above were done by the army and was inspired I think if I remember correctly about an urban jungle, so obviously there's the phone box's etc. and I thought it was good how the plantation was done.

This one was inspired by the secret garden, and I thought the idea was a really cute idea.

This one was inspired by culture etc, and I thought it was really effective how the statue was reflected in the mirror.

they also have lots of bands play such as the military ones i.e. army, and they have some of the local school ones play too, so I took some video's for you all but they won't upload at the moment so I'll try a bit later.

So I've had a very good day today! (: Hope everyone else did and I'll be putting pictures up later (now is the later)(:
