Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Thursday, 18 November 2010


I've had to do some more fashion drawings in my Research book, so here are 3 that I did today, while the boyfriend had run off for Sushi! I also apologize for the bad photographing skills I really need to learn to photograph at decent times of day in decent light. They still need color on some and samples and stuff too.
 This dress was inspired by 2 dresses by Alexander McQueen.
The dress uses the lace sleeves and neck that the cream uses, and then the peacock lace skirt, and also the fullness aswell, while also using the skirt from this yellow dress to create a new dress. Using Red, Cream and Black.

 This picture was inspired by a more Avant Garde style similar to a picture I had previously found but will show you another time.
The above picture is based on Dior's Tulip inspired dress, and just needs colour adding and some samples of materials.
Which I have ordered off a website ( 53 samples to be exact) and will be playing with when they arrive!

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