Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Thursday, 23 December 2010

On the Eleventh day of Christmas....

This bag from Joules, is decidedly fun! I adore it! I'm very much a bag fetishist? I've just made that word up but I don't care, that's just the power of the bag! Who wouldn't notice this beautiful bag!? It's such a summer bag! I find it completely irresistible, I dislike bags made of fabric cause you can't take them to the beach without them looking dirty after I find, and I dislike washing bags, it's silly I think. This bag however is ideal, it's a beautiful color, in a sturdy enough fabric, that even in Autumn when it's that difficult cross over period, where you don't want to let go of all those bright happy items, you can keep this bag and team it with those autumn purples and reds!

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