Excuse my lack of activity, I went into full throttle and had to get through so much! I've been exhausted! But can't stop now, I've got my interview for Coventry on Saturday. I think Falmouth one went well but won't know till the end of next week roughly. I've got to dash off for a driving lesson, but I'll come back and tell you all about it and take a picture of what I made, and my next project is a blazer/jacket!
Got my new course tonight for dressmaking, the bit of paper they sent said skirt, but i thought we were making a shirt, confusing! so I'm going to take my old skirt and finish that off, and everything else as well, so that I can start a new project if so, but I really want to make a new thing! nevermind
xoxo! Also, who saw in Vogue that embellishment is in?! I'm SO! on that train! Eeeek!
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