Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Be Bold...With Stripes!

This Spring/Summer it's all about the stripes! Stripes tend to be done in a nautical style, and I don't know about anyone else, but I'm bored of being a sailor! So I've found some other great stripey items, that don't remind me of a sailor! Now you can be on trend and without an "Ahoy!" anywhere near. So this look is more of a beach style because I'm ever hopeful of some sunshine. 

Monday, 28 March 2011

Mothers Day

I somewhat enjoy Mother's Day because it's the one day I can buy my mother a present without her saying "Oh, you shouldn't have", technically mummy yes I should have this time. I brought her a little vintage trinket pot with a mirror in it, and it's in a really good condition. I think it said that it was 1960's or something like that. I think the top is so beautiful and the sides are in a good condition too, they just needed a little care and some dirt removing and look all better! 
The detail and time that someone took designing this is so careful, even down to the flower with the petals having little green specks in the white, I think it's just beautiful. Almost want to keep it myself.

What's everyone else brought their mother for Mother's day? 


Friday, 25 March 2011

How to Purge your wardrobe for all those fabulous new buys!

So I was on Vogue's website and found this really helpful article! http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/daily/110324-anna-dello-russo-on-wardrobe-spring.aspx. It's all about spring cleaning your wardrobe. How genius!
The first thing, is to keep only a whole outfit, don't keep the simple sweaters unless you dive for them or they have an amazing fit. Only keep what you know future generations will want to see! ... I've failed already! I've done a little better this year, but every year I throw out a few pieces I never wore, and keep one's I've only worn once, and then throw them out after the following winter. Does anyone else do this, or do I just like to hoarde clothes? 
I have therefore come up with a great idea for what to do with them! Here are some options if you hoarde like me!

1) customize, if it's a simple grey sweater, customize it with little beads, or spray paint on a lace pattern, something to make it more you and interesting! These are from a favourite designer of mine, Ann Sophie back, who is now designing for Top shop. You could so easily do this by just cutting into old jumpers etc and tug at them a little and they soon give this effect. Easy, Cheap, and now you've a new item!

Gok Wan on the channel 4 beauty page, has other great examples but this is my favourite one, and might give you a few ideas to help you get going! 

2) Another great way is too just simply give them to charity, even if they are failed experiments someone will be grateful for them, besides, it's your good deed for the day and means you can do something naughty just to balance it out!

3) If they are a good well known brand or just really good you can try to sell them on Ebay (might be useful to sell a bundle if they're are a few H&M dresses that aren't expensive since people will go mad for a bundle) or if you've other stylish friends you can try to swap pieces with them to gain some new stuff in your wardrobe! This can be really fun to do but not if your the only stylish one as you'll end up just giving them stuff and not getting much useful in return!

Your wardrobe is limitless and doesn't have to be so expensive, so if you get bored of an item just re-invent it! After all it's what the top designers do! If people really like these posts then I might do a few customising video's for you! Have fun!
Also remember to enter the competition I'm holding to name the Vintage clothing and jewellery store! 1 free item and 10% off! Just enter below in a comment with the suggestion, your name, and an e-mail address to contact you on! It ends the 31st so hurry up and get entries in! Good luck!


Thursday, 24 March 2011

First Vintage Item!

So I said I'd show you my first item! And I'm so glad I picked this one I think it's gorgeous! It's a 1960's brooch and it's absolutely perfect, barely a mark on it. I was always a bit wary of old things because of them ageing but this has aged gracefully indeed! I'm selling it currently on my Etsy store, and here is a smaller store I've created for my favourite pieces to sell them on, be sure to tell me what you think in a comment! http://vintagetreasuretrove.bigcartel.com/
Just thought I'd also remind you of the competition I'm holding to name the Vintage clothing and jewellery store! 1 free item and 10% off! Just enter below in a comment with the suggestion, your name, and an e-mail address to contact you on! It ends the 31st so hurry up and get entries in! 

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


EEEK! I've just brought my first piece of Vintage Jewellery and I couldn't be happier with it! It's stunning! It's a beautiful silver brooch with 2 blue flowers in. It has such a vintage feel and I'm so happy that it was my first purchase for the new store! I've set one up on BigCartel where I also plan to be selling items, however Etsy will still be my main store front I think. Although I've called the BigCartel one Vintage Treasure Trove, and I've borrowed a header from Kirsten at http://community.livejournal.com/freak4graphics/7530.html, she has some amazing stuff so go check her live journal out as well! I've stolen it while I wait for her to get back to me about being allowed to use it, it was so beautiful I couldn't resist! 
So yeah, when I get the item you will all get to see it first! 
I'm also excited because I'm waiting on the fabric to arrive for my jacket from Spinsters Emporium, I recommend checking them out they have some beautiful fabric and not too expensive either! However it only shipped on Monday so I think I might be pushing it for Tuesday, although it is again a Vintage fabric and it is beautiful! Pictures of the fabric will also be up when it arrives!

Don't forget the name competition for the new store! It will be housing Vintage Clothing and Jewellery, and badly needs a name! The winner will receive a Vintage piece of jewellery as well as 10% for them to use! So hurry up and post below in a comment your suggestion, and an e-mail address for me to contact you at! The competition ends 31st March. Good luck!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Vintage & a Competition!/Give Away!

So I've now got my Uni places, and sorted my finance, and my accomodation, and I'm getting good grades. Time for a new project! So I've always had some form of failing little business going on online somewhere, whether it was on Bebo (which was replaced by Myspace), then to Facebook(which replaced Myspace), then to Etsy (which replaced Facebook) (seeing the link to social networking sites and how they lose popularity?) Anyway,so I've always had one somewhere hidden in the depths of the internet.So I've decided to buy up a bunch of Vintage Jewellery and to sell it on my Etsy site, or I may get a new one, I'm not doing anything till I have done some proper research for a change! But I was trying to think of a name?
So I've come up with a plan!
On the 31st March (providing I get any entries) I am going to run a competition to come up with the name for a shop that sells Vintage jewellery and clothing, whoever I like will get one of my pieces before it goes on sale! and a 10% discount voucher for them to use!
So just post in a comment below any name that you see fit and leave an e-mail address for me to get in contact with you! 

GOOD LUCK! xoxo!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

I Want Shoes! Always!

So it's my 18th birthday on 7th April and I've started looking for the birthday presents! So Here's another I want post! This one is decidedly biased to shoes, but we can't help what we love! Hope you enjoy. What's your favourite items? Any brands that you couldn't live without?!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

London Fashion Week!

I was so bogged down with Coursework that I totally missed it, I think I might have been moving  more than some of the Designers were when trying to organise their chaotic show backstage it was awful, so i'm so sorry that this is so late! It's awful, however here are my favourites!

I love this! It's so clean,chic,sophisticated and glamorous! I wish I had been there to see this! I love their hats too, kind of a cross between batman and a kitten, what a dangerous cuteness they have! The shoes I wasn't a fan of at first, however the over the knee boots, sold it! I don't know why but I love the ruffles at the tops on them and would love a pair! now I just need thinner legs to be able to get into them! the dresses... BEAUTIFUL! there is no other way to describe them, I honestly love them, especially the grey one with the collar which is amazing as well as the sleeves on it!( the 4th dress in) I also love the crisp white shirt the girl with a black velvet looking pencil skirt is wearing before the girl in grey, that shirt is to die for! Anyone hate this collection? What are your favourite pieces? Oh and I loved the song!








Paul Costelloe.

I hate this one, it seems odd to put it on... but I hate it, and I can't work out why. The designs aren't too my taste but I just somehow don't see them as being wearable or anything, the patterns seem out dated I don't like the colour schemes either. Does anyone love this, if so why? I'm just curious to see if I'm missing something. However I do like their hair in a non-practical way!








Jena. Theo.

DANGEROUS! REBELLIOUS! SO ROCK N ROLL! I'm in love! The eyes are so striking, the fabric so free and flowing, the music so on point. I love it! I could never wear it, but it stands out!I also love the colour palette. The materials are so soft as well, giving it a totally contrasting feel if you were to touch! how conflicting, which just adds to the rebelliousness! Does anyone else get the same feeling from this as I do?








Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Chic Summer Look

So I was aiming to incorporate a Chic stripe look, after my other one turned out so bohemian/beachy. I'm not entirely sure that this dress is that brilliant for this look, but it looked great on the model so I'm thinking it's one of those items that looks better on a person than the hanger. I've also fallen in love with this ring and might have to beg my boyfriend for it for my Birthday, I think the colour is just... amazing! So deep and vibrant. The shoes from Topshop I also think are pretty great because they have something cute and girly about them but the colour just means that they go well with everything, I prefer nude shoes to white because they don't show dirt as much and clean shoes are always nicer. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

A Look for under a £100.00 this month!

Okay so this is something I thought I could do monthly! Do give your opinions and such underneath! I really wanted to use the shorts that I brought, however I fear this may have to be re-done since I think it looks awful! I know what top I would have preferred and that would have been the Cream Tab Front Silk Shirt by Topshop  it was similar to that although I can't find it on the website so I may have to go buy it...
However here is the look feel free to give opinions and such please! Also do you like the idea of a monthly look for under £100.00?