Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

London Fashion Week!

I was so bogged down with Coursework that I totally missed it, I think I might have been moving  more than some of the Designers were when trying to organise their chaotic show backstage it was awful, so i'm so sorry that this is so late! It's awful, however here are my favourites!

I love this! It's so clean,chic,sophisticated and glamorous! I wish I had been there to see this! I love their hats too, kind of a cross between batman and a kitten, what a dangerous cuteness they have! The shoes I wasn't a fan of at first, however the over the knee boots, sold it! I don't know why but I love the ruffles at the tops on them and would love a pair! now I just need thinner legs to be able to get into them! the dresses... BEAUTIFUL! there is no other way to describe them, I honestly love them, especially the grey one with the collar which is amazing as well as the sleeves on it!( the 4th dress in) I also love the crisp white shirt the girl with a black velvet looking pencil skirt is wearing before the girl in grey, that shirt is to die for! Anyone hate this collection? What are your favourite pieces? Oh and I loved the song!








Paul Costelloe.

I hate this one, it seems odd to put it on... but I hate it, and I can't work out why. The designs aren't too my taste but I just somehow don't see them as being wearable or anything, the patterns seem out dated I don't like the colour schemes either. Does anyone love this, if so why? I'm just curious to see if I'm missing something. However I do like their hair in a non-practical way!








Jena. Theo.

DANGEROUS! REBELLIOUS! SO ROCK N ROLL! I'm in love! The eyes are so striking, the fabric so free and flowing, the music so on point. I love it! I could never wear it, but it stands out!I also love the colour palette. The materials are so soft as well, giving it a totally contrasting feel if you were to touch! how conflicting, which just adds to the rebelliousness! Does anyone else get the same feeling from this as I do?








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