Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Ill, and apologies!

My apologies again for forgetting to do this, Saturday I worked then got farrr to drank, so sunday I was hungover and had work. Then monday I just did nothing apart from my night course which went excellent and I'll post up some pictures of my fashion design book since I've stuck my samples in there.
But today I feel awful, headache, sore throat and very tired. But I've done some work and I refuse to loose momentum so I've come home to work with coffee, water, and my darling laptop and a quiet room which will hopefully help, but I think I'll feel better once I've done lots of work and gotten back on top of it.
So later I'll post pictures of what I'm wearing today though I'm afraid not much effort went into it and I'll look more awful than normal. On the upside I ordered a nice dress from Asos, in the sale which was only £10! so I'm pleased about that if not now broke but it looks really sweet so I'm sure it'll be a good buy, I just need some shoes which is my major thing, so I'm gonna save up and go to london and see if I can't find any. Have though seen some nice ones in RI and Dorothy Perkins but I'm worried there too high for normal wear, but I may just get them and hope to be honest, cause I really am fed up of having no shoes! and they are gorgeous!

And the girl above is off of lookbook.nu and is Olivia L, but I thought she looked really good and that she looked like she was walking to school, although I am jealous of the fact she appears to have sun!

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