Text box- destiny is

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen. - Miss Blair Waldorf

Saturday, 26 February 2011


So I went shopping on Monday in Cambridge with my lovely boyfriend and friends and we saw Paul, I highly recommend this film! It was incredibly amusing and I loved it! I don't often like comedy's because they just mostly involve lots of swearing and blood and stupid plots that I find ridiculous, however Simon Pegg & Nick Frost are amazing and extremely good together! They are just one of those believable comedy duo's that without each other you wonder if they would be so funny! Also unlike most comedy's it isn't all straight forward it does have some nice neat little twists that may not leave you guessing but definitely make it far more interesting! This is a funny and witty comedy that hasn't stumbled by accident into the thriller section or the action section, it is Comedy and it is making it to the top of the Comedy high society! Here is the trailer as a little bit of a teaser! Trust me for a change they didn't put all the funny bits in the Trailer!
Anyway back to the Fashion side! I brought a few pieces, I must admit not all that much! But I still thought that I ought to show you, also these are a few pieces that I've brought recently and forgot to show! 

These are the Camel Pleat Front Shorts from Topshop that are currently retailing at £34.00 and I swear they are worth the money, they look amazing on, the colour is beautiful, I can fit into their size 12 wonderfully, the fabric is to die for! and I can fit into the size 12... This did amaze me since I always think that Topshop has very small sizing and these were leaning to the too big side, I enjoyed the rest of my day knowing this! Women are such simple creatures really it's wonderful to be us!
I also brought the Navy peter pan collar tunic from New Look, it looks so sweet on and was less than £20.00 I did have my eye on a similar style in River Island but I couldn't honestly be that bothered about the colour and really did just want a dress in this style to wear to school so I just chose this one because I have a necklace that will go beautifully with the dress and can't wait to wear it tomorrow! The shoes were also from New Look and I just desperately needed new flats and so decided to buy them since I've noticed that there is a new trend coming in of stripes and such and so thought they would be appropriate and they are also practical which makes a change. I think my boyfriend was awfully impressed to be honest!

Anyone else had any great buys lately? Or found any really cute and different shops online, feel free to share! 



  1. Oh I love those shorts they look so versatile. I an a massive fan of comedies, hoping to see this film.

  2. It's hilarious! I strongly advise it! There was only a few of us in their cause it was a really early film but it had everyone in the cinema giggling away!
    And they are! Just touch them! Walk into Top Shop and just touch the shorts! I can guarantee they will totally understand, I don't see how anyone can not touch them! You'll totally need them!
